2020, Number 36
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (36)
Medical Education from the Perspective of Health Based on Human Rights
Vázquez MFD, Sánchez MF, Jorge; Delgado DC, Luzanía VMS, Mota MML
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 30-40
PDF size: 509.59 Kb.
Introduction: The Human Rights-Based Approach to Health
(ESBDH) postulates that poor training and unfavorable
working conditions of human resources for health not only
hinders the protection of the right to health, but can be,
paradoxically, an important source of violations to it. Can
specialist medical training programs violate their right to
education and decent work?
Objective: Know the opinion of resident physicians on
the fact that their right to education and decent work
must be respected.
Method: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was
conducted in a non-random sample of 605 resident doctors
from a public university located in Mexico to. A 32-
item (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.931) Likert questionnaire was
carried out anonymously, confidentially and voluntarily to
assess the residents’ opinions on their rights to education
and decent work being respected. Simple frequencies are
presented and, in a nutshell, the overall score regarding
respect for the law and the percentage of favorable and
unfavorable events and the score obtained for each item.
Results: The average age of the participants was 29.5
years (± 2.9), 58% men, 78.5% single and 79% with no
children. 80% of respondents worked more than 80 hours
a week. 65% of residents were first and second year. Most
of residents (87%) considered there was a medium or
greater level of respect for their rights. The overall score
of respect was 57%. The percentage of favorable events
was 55% and unfavorable events or rights violation was
that of 36%.
Conclusions: In the light of the human rights-based approach
to health, the current training system for medical
specialists should be reviewed.
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