2020, Number 36
Psychosocial Factors in Resident Neonatology Sub-Specialists. Content Analysis from the Demand-Control-Social Support Model
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 17-29
PDF size: 551.53 Kb.
Introduction: Academic residents training has been associated with psychosocial risk factors (FPSR) exposure that can affect their health. Academic residents training of a sub-specialty in neonatal intensive care (RCIN) was investigated under the demand-control-social support and effort-reward balance models.Objective: To know the exposure of RCIN to FPSR and their perception of psychosocial risk.
Method: Qualitative study, follow-up study and content analysis based on the Mexican Official Standard NOM- 035- STPS-2018 Reference Guide III, Psychosocial risk factors at work: Identification, analysis and prevention. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted and the processing of data with Atlas.ti® v.8.4.3.
Results: Four out of five residents of the generation participated. During the first year, the FPSR with the highest number of testimonies were, leadership characteristics [49], high responsibility loads [37] and psychological mistreatment [34]. Risk perception, work influence of outside the workplace [35] extensive work day [29]. In the second year, leadership characteristics [104], limited or no feedback [31], verbal mistreatment [37] and psychological mistreatment [27]. For risk perception, work influence of outside the workplace [10] and decreased control and autonomy at work [3]. In both years, exposure to leadership characteristics [153], contradictory or inconsistent loads [69], social relations at work [68], psychological mistreatment [57] and verbal mistreatment [41] were constant.
Conclusions: The demand-control-social support and effort-reward balance models profusely explain the interactions between academic-clinical tasks, exposure to psychosocial risk factors and perception of psychosocial risks in residents. NOM-035-STPS-2018 could be the vehicle to offer residents a more favorable organizational environment during their training, prioritize the analysis of the demands derived from the work process and expose them to the lowest possible psychosocial risk.
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