2020, Number 3
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Alerg Asma Inmunol Pediatr 2020; 29 (3)
Biomarkers for the endotipic diagnosis of asthma and its treatment
Pizaña-Montero JA, Huerta-López JG, Pedroza MA
Language: Spanish
References: 82
Page: 99-107
PDF size: 253.57 Kb.
Asthma is one of the most worldwide prevalent chronic respiratory diseases; that usually can become severe, chronic and even refractory to standard treatments for asthma control (e.g. corticosteroids and immunomodulators). However, the recognition of two asthma endotypes based on the cytological characteristics of the immunological response (with high Th2 cellularity and eosinophils, or low cellularity of Th2) and of the cytokines produced have made it possible to identify specific therapeutic targets to stop the inflammatory cascade characteristic of asthma. To achieve this task, monoclonal antibodies have been used, which have been specifically designed for cytokines or receptors involved in asthma inflammation. This forms the basis of the biological therapy of asthma and the most current tool for the treatment and control of severe asthma and refractory to conventional treatments.
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