2020, Number 3
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Alerg Asma Inmunol Pediatr 2020; 29 (3)
Determination of environmental pollutants and relation of the pediatric patient with asthma status
Abreu PD, Montero ?L, Sánchez RS?, Sánchez ??M, Martín PNI
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 93-98
PDF size: 201.26 Kb.
Introduction: Bronchial asthma (AB) is the most frequent chronic respiratory disease in the world. There are multiple factors involved in its recurrence such as environmental pollutants. Objective: Determination of the environmental factors involved in the increase in the severity and frequency of the state of asthmatic disease in the child. Material and methods: A descriptive study of all children between 5 and 18 years old who entered the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for an asthmatic state between January 2010 and January 2019 was carried out. Results: The sample is of 27 patients aged 5-17 years. Children of 5-11 years, male, predominate in the pollutants, 100% are exposed to cigarette smoke or tobacco a day and 15 children, in their homes they cooked with firewood, coal or oil (55.56%). Symptoms are triggered with exposure between 3-6 months in 18 patients (66.67%). There is a relationship between respiratory work with decreased SaO
2 (below 80%) and hypoxemia in gasometry (PaO
2 between 41 and 55 mmHg) in 12 of the patients at admission. They are managed with standard treatment with inhaled beta 2 agonists, IV steroids and methylxanthines in 100% series. The average stay of 7.26 days.
Conclusions: The presence of environmental pollutants may be a factor that predisposes to the appearance of episodes of asthmatic status in the pediatric patient.
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