2019, Number S1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2019; 48 (S1)
Some thoughts on research and educational intervention
Burgo BOB, León GJL, Cáceres MML, Pérez MCJ, Espinoza FEE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 316-330
PDF size: 363.36 Kb.
Introduction: Educational research plays a very important role in solving the problems and challenges that exist in different social contexts in the fulfillment of educational policies and in order to achieve the improvement of the different educational systems.
Objective: To analyze the development of science in the information society, and specifically, of educational research as a type of research that studies the educational reality
Methods: The article uses methods from the theoretical level such as: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and logical historical, to perform the bibliographic analysis of books, scientific articles, doctoral theses, dictionaries and materials available on the Internet.
Conclusions: Research and intervention do not exist separately, they are complementary; it is not possible to develop educational research without the intervention and transformation of the educational context; let alone carry out an intervention without first investigating.
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