2019, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2019; 58 (4)
Nimotuzumab in the treatment of a patient with anaplastic astrocytoma
Elzaurdín MRA, Lara FN
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 226.14 Kb.
Introduction: Nimotuzumab is an IgG1 isotype immunoglobin, obtained by recombinant
DNA technology. Life expectancy is approximately one month in children with recurrent
brain tumors, refractory to treatments to surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Survival
reaches 44.5 months when using Nimotuzumab.
Objectives: To report the clinical case of a patient diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma
who received concurrent oncospecific treatment with Nimotuzumab.
Case report: This paper describes the diagnosis, treatment and evolution of a 31-year-old
male patient with neoplasm of the central nervous system (Anaplastic astrocytoma). He
received the therapeutic combination of surgery, radiotherapy and monoclonal antibodies,
achieving a survival of 39 months.
Conclusions: The adding the monoclonal antibody to the standard treatment of brain tumors
increased patient survival, making it a safe, advantageous and feasible therapeutic
alternative as part of conventional treatment in healthcare conditions.
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