2020, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2020; 39 (2)
Translational medicine in Peru, policy making and evidence-based improvement
Mejia CR, Montalvo R, Tresierra-Ayala M
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 292.05 Kb.
Introduction: translational research is a branch of science of recent creation. Its main aim is the application of the knowledge generated by research so that it will not become grey literature printed on paper or for the use of a chosen few, but serve as many people and/or populations as possible.
Objective: determine the progress made in recent years in the application of translational medicine in Peru.
Methods: a convenience search was conducted in the databases Google Scholar and PubMed. Examples are offered of the way in which translational research may greatly contribute to improve specific realities and problems in Peru. This reinforces the need that political decisions be based on evidence-based medicine.
Results: translational medicine is faced with many difficulties in Peru, such as limited resources, scant time to implement training research, lack of updated pedagogical models, and teachers trained in old schools and with a limited capacity for continuing medical education. These hurdles should be overcome to ensure the progress of science and therefore of society as well.
Conclusions: progress of translational medicine in Peru has resulted in the training of more skilled health personnel, providing the means for the development of multiple public policies. In many cases those policies have been included in standards, regulations and even laws in the country.
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