2020, Number 3
Brazilian Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaption of the Questionnaire for Detecting Sick-Building Syndrome
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 457.08 Kb.
Introduction: The measurement of health phenomena has implications concerning early detection of diseases. Occupational health in Brazil and its potential for internationalization facilitate the use of foreign materials to measure phenomena.Objective: To adapt, cross-culturally, the questionnaire for the detection of sick-building syndrome in the setting of Brazilian health workers.
Methods: Methodological, cross-sectional and quantitative study based on the following steps: two initial translations, one synthesis of translations, two subsequent translations, a committee of experts, and a preliminary test carried out with 37 health workers from a hospital. The numerical variables were addressed by univariate descriptive statistical analysis, using frequency tables to summarize the data.
Results: The instrument was translated and subjected to the intercultural adaptation stages, and underwent changes in the items, as well as adjustments of the following types: semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual. The workers who participated in the pre-test also contributed to the modifications in the questionnaire and were mostly nursing technicians, nurses and doctors; they reported concern for their health, and many complained over work-related physical illnesses. After the modifications of the items and the substitutions of terms, an adapted version was obtained. The pre-test revealed frequent problems, such as working long shifts and little opportunity for the worker to make decisions.
Conclusions: The questionnaire adapted to Brazilian Portuguese is appropriate for the setting of Brazilian health workers, and is a feature of early detection of sick-building syndrome in the workplace.
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