2020, Number 3
Relationship between Attitude towards Homosexuality and Personal Characteristics in University Students of Nursing
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 469.86 Kb.
Introduction: Some university students of Nursing present homophobia attitudes, related to personal characteristics such as age, gender and worshipping. However, some other research refers attitudes of inclusion and acceptance of sexual diversity. Generally speaking, this situation shows a lack of knowledge about this phenomenon.Objective: To describe the attitude towards homosexuality and its relationship with personal characteristics of university students of Nursing.
Methods: Descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study carried out in Puebla, Mexico, between June and July 2019. The study population consisted of 1200 university students of Nursing. The sampling was non-probabilistic by convenience in 120 surveyed students. A general data card and the Attitudes towards Homosexuals Questionnaire were used. For data analysis, IBM SPSS Statistics 24 was used, from which descriptive and inferential statistics were obtained, such as means, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages; in addition to the Spearman's Rho correlation test and the multiple linear regression model.
Results: 45.40% showed a tolerant attitude towards homosexuality; a positive relationship with respect to complying with the customs and traditions of the religion they worship (rs = 2.97; P ‹ 0.005). The male gender, not having friends or relatives with homosexual preferences, and having greater attachment to religious activities predict an increase in homophobic attitude.
Conclusions: There is a high percentage of indifferent and intolerant attitudes towards homosexuality in university students Nursing, associated with their customs, religious traditions, while, specifically, men showed homophobic tendencies by not having a homosexual friend or family.
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