2020, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (6)
Child sexual abuse in Mexico: risk behaviors and mental health indicators in adolescents
Valdez-Santiago R, Villalobos A, Arenas-Monreal L, Flores-Celis K, Ramos-Lira L
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 661-671
PDF size: 290.31 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of child sexual
abuse (CSA) in adolescent population with National Health
and Nutrition Survey 2018-19 data.
Materials and
methods. Questionnaire for adolescents (10 to 19 years
old) was analyzed and carry out a stratified analysis and a
logistic regression model adjusted for variables of interest.
Results. The prevalence of CSA in adolescent population
is 2.5% (3.8% for women and 1.2% for men). Among women,
CSA was associated with age, marital status, locality type,
excessive alcohol consumption, depressive symptomatology
and suicidal thoughts. Among men, CSA was associated
with socioeconomical level, depressive symptomatology and
suicidal thoughts.
Conclusions. Studies with greater precision
and periodicity as well as access to health and justice
services are urgent.
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