2020, Number 1
Safety culture in operating room professionals from a mother and child care institution
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 361.72 Kb.
Introduction: There is a need for health professionals to lead patient safety as a public policy, which is a quality criterion to evaluate the safety culture in health institutions and in each service they offer.Objective: To assess the dimensions of culture about patient safety. Methods: Analytical and cross-sectional study carried in the operating room area of San Luis Maternal and Child Clinic, from April to July 2018. The responses about safety culture were taken from 45 health professionals through the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety questionnaire, Spanish version. The statistical analysis presents proportions, measures of central tendency, dispersion and interquartile range. To identify the differences between the groups, the following tests were used: exact Fisher's test, Anova test, and Kruskal Wallis test. The analyzes were performed in the STATA 12 program (StataCorp College Station, TX, USA).
Results: There are statistically significant differences between the groups of professionals regarding sex (p= 0.002), academic training (p= 0.042) and work in another institution (p= 0.022). 50% of the respondents rated patient safety in their service with a score between 8 and 9.
Conclusions: In assessing safety culture, some dimensions were identified as strengths, such as organizational learning/continuous improvement, teamwork within the unit/service, and support of the hospital management to patient safety.
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