2019, Number 4
Evidence report for the NIC nursing intervention “Medication administration: inhalation” (2311)
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 465.09 Kb.
Background: In Spain, chronic respiratory diseases accounted for 12% of total deaths in 2015. Nurses include among their interventions both medication administration by inhalation and the education of patients and their family members or caregivers. Identifying the nursing practices with the best available scientific evidence for improving medication adherence is crucial to optimizing patient health outcomes.Objectives: To present evidence for the effectiveness of the activities included in the NIC nursing intervention “Medication administration: inhalation” (2311). To determine which nursing practices have the most scientific evidence available.
Methods: Systematic review of the nursing activities of the NIC nursing intervention 2311. Searches were conducted in databases and among secondary studies published from 2005 to 2015 in English, Portuguese, and/or Spanish. The study population were patients with inhaler treatment. The nursing intervention was inhaler use. A peer review was conducted using CASPe and AGREE. The evidence found was summarized and was assigned a grade of recommendation.
Results: 1,820 studies were identified and 79 abstracts were selected, with 14 studies being adequate in terms of quality.
Conclusions: Some activities need to be amended in order to adapt them to the current state of affairs. Four new activities are proposed for inclusion in the revised intervention. Implications for nursing practice: Improving medication adherence in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) is essential to optimize patient health outcomes. Nurses implementing interventions based on the best available evidence play a key role in patient education and follow-up, as well as in the prevention of exacerbations, which have significant socio-economic implications.
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