2019, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2019; 35 (4)
Factors Interfering with the Nursing Worker’s Health in the Surgical Center
Angélica HD, Helena GC
Language: Portugués
References: 54
Page: 3-24
PDF size: 571.15 Kb.
Introduction: Nursing workers in the surgical area are indispensable; their work is characterized by a high degree of demand in a closed and complex unit that, in turn, can directly or indirectly influence the health of workers, physically, mentally and socially.
Objective: To identify, in the scientific literature, factors that interfere with the health of the nursing workers of the Surgical Center.
Methods: Integrative review, with search in the databases LILACS, ScIELO, BDENF, MEDLINE, SCOPUS, CINAHL, and PUBMED, using the descriptors enfermería perioperatoria [perioperative nursing], enfermería [nursing], centro quirúrgico [surgical center], salud del trabajador [worker’s health], and trabajo [work]. Qualitative and quantitative scientific publications, reflections, literature studies and indexed theoretical studies were included in the surveyed databases that have addressed the subject in question and have answered the guiding question in Portuguese, English and Spanish, available totally online, published between March 2006 and March 2018. The sample was 42 articles. The findings were classified into two categories: 1) factors that interfere with the physical health of the nursing worker of the Surgical Center, such as work overload, biological contamination, ergonomic grievances, and exposure to physical and chemical agents; and 2) factors interfering with the mental health of these workers, such as stress, work overload, and psychological abuse.
Conclusions: The work at the Surgical Center has many specificities, technological and therapeutic advances. This dynamic can cause physical and psychological injuries to the worker. Knowing these grievances and intervening in the minimization of risks provides better quality of life for the worker, qualifies the assistance, and contributes to patient safety.
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