2020, Number 4
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2020; 5 (4)
Odontometric analysis in canines for the identification of sexual dimorphism in a Veracruz population
Conde GD, Jiménez BCA
Language: Spanish
References: 72
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 649.64 Kb.
Introduction: During the identification process of an unknown corpse, determining the sex is extremely important. For this task there are conventional methods that involve morphological and metric analysis of anatomical structures such as the pelvis and the skull, but when circumstances do not allow their application, the identification of a corpse can become more complex. Therefore, the need arises to search for new tools and techniques that streamline human identification processes.
Objective: To establish differences between men and women through three odontometric indices: mesiodistal diameter (DMD), bucolingual diameter (DBL) and bucopalatino diameter (DBP)), in the canine teeth of adult individuals, native to the state of Veracruz.
Materials: Digital sliding caliper, with a precision of 0.01mm, TRUPER brand, dental mirror, latex gloves for dental use, mask and transparent plastic.
Methodology: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative study. Measurements were made in the four canine of 100 individuals (50 men / 50 women), who attended a dental office, using three odontometric indices: DMD, DBL and DBP.
Conclusion: Significant differences were found in dental organs (OD) 33 and 43, when measuring their DMD, being OD 43 the one that showed the greatest sexual dimorphism. Likewise, it was observed that the mandibular canines presented greater dimorphism, which coincides with other studies carried out by different researchers such as Aggarwal (2014) and Bañuls (2014). We can conclude that, although we were able to prove the hypothesis, it
would be inappropriate to consider single tooth odontometry as the sole method for sex differentiation in an unknown corpse.
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