2020, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2020; 34 (2)
Relationship between self-regulated learning, academic antecedents and sociodemographic characteristics in medical students
Inzunza MBC, Márquez UC, Pérez VC
Language: Spanish
References: 35
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Introduction: The demands of higher education require that students activate several competencies that
allow them to face new demands successfully inside and outside the classroom. In this
respect, self-regulated learning is of special interest, since it involves the implementation of
a series of cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and support-related strategies that allow
the student to construct knowledge in a meaningful way.
Objective: To describe the relationship between self-regulated learning, academic background, and
sociodemographic characteristics in first-year medical students.
Methods: A descriptive, quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was carried out, with a
correlational scope. A sample of 106 students was obtained through non-probability
sampling by accessibility. Self-regulation was assessed using the Motivated Strategies for
Learning Questionnaire, adapted for Chilean university students.
Results: The value of the task, self-regulation, expectations, and organization have a much higher
importance. The men reported high expectations and critical thinking; on their part, the
women showed a higher level of anxiety and organization. Low number of motivational
subscales and learning strategies were correlated with performance, entrance tests, and
type of educational institution.
Conclusions: This sample of students preferably uses motivational components and deep processing
strategies for their self-regulated learning. Men and women differ in motivational and
cognitive aspects for their self-regulated learning. Supervision, commitment, and resource
management are related to higher performance in the subject.
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