2020, Number 2
Foot ulcer recurrence in diabetic patients who received heberprot-p® treatment
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 302.11 Kb.
Introduction: Heberprot-P® is a novel medicine, unique among its kind, prescribed for diabetic foot ulcer therapy.Objective: To evaluate frequency and characteristics of foot ulcer recurrence among diabetic patients treated with Heberprot-P®.
Methods: A descriptive-retrospective research was carried out. The study population consisted of 16 patients with diabetic foot ulcer recurrence from among the 841 treated with Heberprot-P® in polyclinics and hospitals in Matanzas Province from January to December 2018. The variables reviewed were taken to a database, and the results obtained were represented in charts and expressed in absolute and relative frequencies. The ethical considerations required for this study were respected.
Results: The age group 61-75 years and type 2 diabetic patients were the most affected. There were no differences between both sexes. Neuropathic diabetic foot with Wagner 2 severity appeared more frequently. Likewise, after the first injury and recurrence, a large number of patients with the disease were observed at 13-16 weeks, 56.2% of whom, were administered, during the first injury, 6-12 doses of Heberprot-P®. The total closure of the lesion was the most found outcome in the study population, and 1.9% of the treated patients presented recurrence of this.
Conclusions: The frequency and characteristics of foot ulcer recurrence in diabetic patients treated with Heberprot-P® were exposed.
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