2020, Number 2
Visibility of the cuban journal of angiology and vascular surgery in the period from 2014 to 2018
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 281.73 Kb.
Introduction: The Revista Cubana de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular [Cuban Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery] has the mission of contributing to the development of the specialty, by publishing high-quality national and foreign scientific articles.Objective: To assess the visibility of the Cuban Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery in the period from 2014 to 2018.
Methods: A descriptive, observational and retrospective study was carried out about the visibility achieved in the period from 2014 to 2018. The sample consisted of all the types of articles published in the Cuban Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery during the stage studied. The regional database SciELO was used as a reference.
Results: The Cuban Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, between 2014 and 2018, published a total of 110 scientific papers in a biannual frequency. The years 2015 and 2017 were the ones with the greatest amounts of publications, while, in 2014 and 2018, other Cuban journals were contributed with more publications. Original articles are the modality that contributed the most, with a total of 45, accounting for 40.9%.
Conclusions: The journal could improve its visibility if it were indexed in more databases, such as Scopus and Medline, and if it were introduced in scientific social media, such as LinkedIn and Research Gate.
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