2019, Number 4
Evaluation of prognostic indexes in closed abdominal trauma
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-13
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Introduction: Accidental or intentional trauma is the leading cause of death among young people.Objective: To evaluate the mortality prediction capacity of prognostic indexes in patients with closed abdominal trauma.
Methods: An observational and descriptive study with analytical phases was developed in a population of 72 patients with closed abdominal trauma, at Celia Sánchez Manduley University Hospital in Manzanillo, Granma Province, between January 2016 and December 2017. The data were processed in the Excel system, and the receiver operating characteristics curve was constructed to analyze the effectiveness of the prognostic indexes.
Results: There was a predominance of male patients (70.83%) with a mean age of 43.31 years old. The spleen was the most injured organ (5.56%). The septic shock was the main direct cause of death (4.17%). The injury severity index, the revised trauma scale, the CRAMS scale, and the TRISS methodology produced a mortality prediction sensitivity of 91.02%, 87.5%, 83.5%, and 95.8 %, respectively, at a cut point of 25, 6, and 7 points, and up to 19%, respectively.
Conclusions: The TRISS methodology turned out to be the prognostic index with the highest sensitivity and, consequently, the most recommended for routine clinical practice.
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