2019, Number 3
Self-care in middle-aged women with obesity
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-21
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Introduction: The emphasis of self-care lies in the responsibility of each person on their own health and diseases. The self-care given from the physical, psychological and social perspectives are relevant in view of the increasing prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases such as obesity, which goes beyond an aesthetic issue and causes serious health consequences.Objective: To characterize the physical, psychological and social dimensions of self-care in middle-aged women with obesity, that are treated in the National Institute of Endocrinology.
Methods: It was carried out a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative methodology by using the method of multiple case studies and the integration of different techniques. It was conducted an analysis of content that made possible to identify regularities and ruptures between the cases of study. The ethical aspects were considered and applied.
Results: It was found that the knowledge of this disease, the absence of harmful habits and the good control of health were the most promoted physical aspects of self-care. It was shown a poor development of psychological self-care through a passive coping with the disease, negative emotions and dissatisfaction with the body image that affected the self-evaluative area, along together to a short future projection. The social self-care was favoured by a family support network and activities in the spare time.
Conclusions: The physical and social dimensions of self-care are the most cared by women; on the other hand, the psychological dimension is of greater vulnerability.
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