2020, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2020; 19 (1)
Usefulness of the test of leak around the tube for patient safety
Borroto GA, Salcido QY, Cordero EI, Pérez MGC
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1.17
PDF size: 322.77 Kb.
Introduction: The “air leak” test around the endotracheal tube is not invasive. It is relatively easy to perform and provides an indication of the permeability of the upper airway.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the air leak” test around the endotracheal tube, qualitatively and quantitatively measured, for the safety of extubation.
Method: A descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study was carried out with patients of any gender scheduled for surgical intervention by laryngeal microsurgery, surgery for endotoxic goiter, maxillofacial surgery, and those with a history of difficult intubation that required more than three attempts at intubation and/or the usage of drivers or guides. The sample consisted of 52 patients who met the selection criteria. Statistical analysis was performed by calculating measures for qualitative variables, while for quantitative variables, Pearson's chi-square (x2) was used.
Results: The group with more frequency was represented by those under 40 years. The male sex prevailed. The 7.5 tube was the most used (50%). The results of the concordance between the qualitative and quantitative test according to the presence or absence of air leak around the tube was 90.4%, respectively. Complications based on the tests were scarce.
Conclusions: Both tests are useful tools for the diagnosis of airway obstruction during extubation. The qualitative modality proved to be as effective as the quantitative and easier to reproduce for the operators in the study.
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