2020, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2020; 19 (3)
Maternal factors and weight of the newborn in pregnant adolescents of Salta-Capital. Argentina. 2002-2011 period
Zimmer SMC, Oyes LOJC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 220.99 Kb.
Introduction: In Argentina, adolescent pregnancy is a public health problem, with serious implications for the health and
nutrition of the mother-child relationship.
Objective: To characterize some maternal factors of pregnant adolescents and to
relate them to the weight of the newborn.
Material and method: A descriptive and correlational study was carried out in
9479 pregnant adolescents and their newborns, assisted at the Maternal and Child Public Hospital (HMI) of Salta, Capital. The
source of the information was the HPMI Birth Matrix Sheet. The variables studied were: age, height, pre-pregnancy nutritional
status, gestational age, prenatal control, educational level of the pregnant woman and weight of the newborn. The association
or relationship between the qualitative variables was studied applying Chi square and for the quantitative variables T student
Results: A statistically significant association was found between the maternal factors studied and the birth
weight of the newborn, except for the age of pregnant adolescents (early and late).
Conclusions: It was evidenced that the
pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational age, number of prenatal controls, week of uptake and education level of the adolescent
mothers of the new-borns are associated with the birth weight of the neonates.
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