2019, Number 6
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Mul Med 2019; 23 (6)
Cytogenetic alterations in pregnant women with advanced age. Granma 2016-2018
Martínez FY, Fonseca GRL, Díaz GYL, Otero NSA, Espinosa ÁDC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1216-1231
PDF size: 344.07 Kb.
One of the risks associated with pregnancy is advanced maternal age, which is considered in our country, from 35 years of age. At present, it constitutes the main reason for indication for cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis (CPD). A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, with the objective of describing the frequency of cytogenetic alterations in pregnant women with advanced age in the province of Granma in the period from 2016 to 2018. The sample consisted of 803 pregnant women aged 37 years and older at whom the cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis was made by amniocentesis between 16 and 20 weeks according to the date of the last menstruation (FUM) or by ultrasound of the first trimester in pregnant women with doubtful FUM. Cytogenetic studies in amniotic fluid aimed at women of advanced maternal age are established in our country to pregnant women who are ≥ 37 years old since it is considered the population group with the highest risk. In the period studied, 803 cytogenetic studies were performed. During these three years of work, 2.6% of positive results were obtained, 57.1% of which correspond to numerical aberrations and 42.9% to structural ones. Bayamo (52.4%) was the municipality with the highest number of positive cases.
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