2019, Number 6
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Mul Med 2019; 23 (6)
Characterization of patients with suspected arbovirosis belonging to the 'Jimmy Hirzel' polyclinic. Bayamo 2018
Carrazana FI, Guerra DE, Pompa CSG, Pérez MD, Sánchez HMR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1174-1188
PDF size: 464.78 Kb.
Arbovirosis is a problem in public health worldwide. A descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted to characterize the patients studied for suspected arbovirosis belonging to the "Himmy Hirzel" Polyclinic during 2018. The universe consisted of 270 patients treated at the polyclinic for suspected arbovirosis and the sample coincides. The data were taken from the database of the provincial statistics department of the same year, as well as from the statistical records of the center. Absolute and relative frequencies were used as summary measures of descriptive statistics. As the most relevant results of the 270 cases studied, 60.75% belonged to Jesús Menéndez, the most urbanized popular council; Female sex prevailed with 58% of cases. The positivity was 37.7% to Dengue. No cases of Zika were diagnosed. It was concluded that most of the cases investigated belonged to the female sex and to the urbanized area. Dengue was the arbovirosis identified in the period investigated.
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