2020, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2020; 12 (1)
Intervention personalized of infirmary during the preoperative thing in peoples they require cardiovascular surgery
Álvarez PA, Miguel VY, Aguirre RDA, De Zayas GJ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
PDF size: 236.03 Kb.
The cardiovascular illnesses are the main mortal cause in Cuba and the world. Many of these illnesses it requires of cardiovascular surgery situation that generates anxiety. The professionals of infirmary they scheme in these services of cardiovascular surgery by means of a personalized intervention of infirmary must offer emotional cares by achieving an integral care of the person and the diminution of the prequirúgica anxiety. The objective of the work is to develop a personalized intervention of infirmary, during the preoperative directed to peoples that require cardiovascular surgery. With the manufacture and put in practice of this intervention of focussed infirmary in satisfying the psychological or emotional needs in peoples that require cardiac surgery will be able to count on an effective and reliable instrument, that will decrease the prequirúgica anxiety, the postoperative ache, the complications and consequently the hospitable sitting, by achieving a substantial economy of human, material resources and inputs to the institution and to the country.
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