2020, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2020; 12 (1)
Executive function in temporal and extra-temporal lobe epilepsy with surgical treated: preliminary comparative report
Zaldivar BM, Báez MMM, Maragoto RC, Vera CH, González GJ, Marín HT, Vidal MD, García RK, Perera RME, Galvizu SR, Ortega MÁ, Morales CLM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
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Introduction. The comparative study about executive function in drug-resistant patients has not been addressed in our context. The objective was to identify differences in the executive function between patients with temporal and extra temporal lobe epilepsy with surgery treated.
Methods. A descriptive-correlational and comparative study of 15 patients was carried out, 9 of them with temporal and 6 with extra temporal lobe epilepsy. Second semester of 2018. Neuropsychology service. International Center for Neurological Restoration. The tools were: Structured interview, Verbal fluency test, Frontal evaluation battery of Litvan, Hanoi Tower and David Wechsler Memory scale. Neuropsychological questionnaire of frontal damage (relative). We used descriptive statistic, Test U de Mann Whitney, Test de Spearman and p≤0.05.
Results. A negative relation between operative memory and years (r:-0.90) and
post-quirurgic evolution time (r=-0.82) in the extra temporal patients we found. Negative relation between seizures frequency and the frontal function score (r:-0.79) in temporal. Significative differences between groups in the operative memory (p=0.02), the frontal function score (p=0.04) and executive function reported for the family (p=0.02) we found.
Conclusions. Preliminary, the extra temporal patients show more damage in the regulation and control dominium than temporal patients after surgical treatment. The age and the post-quirurgic evolution time take part of operative memory in the extra temporal patients. We verify that relative of extra temporal perceive more damage of executive function than relative of temporal after surgery treatment. The phonologic fluency in patients its finds affected before and after surgical treatment, however, we verify in some case better function in this process after intervention.
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