2020, Number 3
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Rev CONAMED 2020; 25 (3)
Privacy and confidentiality in the health field. An ethical perspective
González QC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 123-128
PDF size: 99.94 Kb.
Privacy and confidentiality are two basic dimensions that allow each one to be oneself and also communicate and interact with others. In the health field they acquire a special meaning because of the very nature of the clinical relationship, the number of professionals who in one way or another participate in the clinical Act, and the daily use of personal health data that enjoy a high degree of protection. The following pages want to offer a reading of these topics from an ethical perspective, emphasizing on the moral privacy, confidentiality and professional secrecy aspect, as well as the need to keep awake the critical sense of the risks of dehumanization that can be given in the daily activity of the professionals. Privacy and confidentiality are two requirements to carry out health care a human and scientific quality healthcare.
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