2020, Number 2
Prevention of the mouth cancer in the Communitary Clinic
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 382-400
PDF size: 309.96 Kb.
Introduction: The paper was carried out with the objective to characterize the situation in the process of prevention of the mouth cancer in the Clinic Arturo Puig Ruiz de Villa, of the Minas municipality, in the Camagüey province, Cuba.Method: A quasi-experimental intervention study is carried out with the purpose of implementing educational actions in the community. The study universe consisted of 1860 dispensed patients. The type of intentional sample made up of the 25 patients who presented premalignant and malignant diseases of the oral cavity and risk factors, to which are added patients' family.
Results: The main risk factors that affect the oral health of the studied community are: poor oral hygiene, smoking, mismatched prostheses, defective restorations with sharp edges, alcoholism and exposure to solar radiation. The oral diseases related to oral cancer presented by the studied population were leukoplakia, actinic cheilitis, erythroplasia, lichen planus and discoid lupus erythematosus.
Discussion: The relationship between the social conditions of the community, its family and social customs and practices with the risk factors that promote the appearance of oral cancer is verified.
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