2020, Number 1
Hip Fracture Behavior in Cuba and its relationship with joint anatomy as risk factor
Language: Spanish
References: 37
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Hip fracture has increased its incidence, and current researchs suggest that the characteristics of the structural components of the bone are one of its risk factors. The present study systematizes and updates the topic of hip fracture behaviour and its relationship with joint anatomy from a radiological point of view. A documentary research was carried out, which object of study were scientific articles published in computerized medical databases like PubMed, EBSCO and SciELO. A subtle increase in its incidence is identified in all regions of the country. Studies on the structural characteristics of the bone, both in its internal and external configuration, show that there is an association between dimensions and occurrence of this disease. There are several studies in Cuba on the behavior of hip fracture, but very few address its relationship with the anatomical structure of the bones.REFERENCES
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