2020, Number 1
Epidemiological behaviour of exodontias in the Stomatology Clinic of Gibara, 2017
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: exodontia is an oral surgery which deals with teeth extraction using appropriate techniques and instruments and the practice of avulsion or extraction of a tooth, or portion of it, from its host bone.Objective: to determine the epidemiological behavior of exodontias at the Stomatology Clinic of Gibara in 2017.
Method: a descriptive case series study conducted at the Stomatology Clinic of Gibara, Holguin province, Cuba, on the epidemiological behavior of the exodontias during year 2017 in terms of: age groups, sex, affected dental group and cause of tooth loss. The universe was made up of 1 755 patients who went to the dental service.
Results: the most affected group according to age was that of 19 to 59 years old, with 68.88%. As for the sex, the male predominated with 58.68%. The most affected dental group was the upper molars with 42.22%. Tooth decay was the most frequent cause with 71.50% of the cases.
Conclusions: exodontias predominated in non-elderly male adults, on the upper molars, and tooth decay was the leading cause of tooth loss.
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