2020, Number 1
Multifamily psychotherapy for teenagers in partial hospitalization
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: multifamily psychotherapy is a psychological treatment in which a group of individuals, teenagers and families meet with qualified professionals to perform therapeutic actions where social learning, popular knowledge and social support networks come together.Objective: develop cognitive and social skills in families to deal with situations of daily life.
Method: a quasi-experimental study was carried out with family group and multifamily psychotherapy modality. The universe consisted of the adolescents from Holguín municipality who attended a Psychology and/or Psychiatry consultation in the period from September 2015 to December 2018; and the sample was 340 adolescents and their families referred by child psychiatric specialists, with admission criteria and acceptance of the treatment, in the same period. These groups were open, heterogeneous, worked once a week, and included adolescents with problems ranging from those of the stage itself to mental and behavioral disorders, as well as alterations in family dynamics. The variables studied were: admission period, age, sex, most frequent diagnoses and evolution, for which document examination, as well as bibliographic and C.H. review, group dynamics and active participatory techniques in some sessions were carried out. The statistical methods used were: frequency distribution and percentage calculations.
Results: the treatment was widely accepted and the most common disorders in demand were: suicidal behavior, behavioral alterations, abnormal personality development and addictive behavior in dysfunctional families.
Conclusions: multifamily therapy was effective and very much accepted by the participants.
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