2019, Number 4
Characterization of patients with colon neoplasia seen at
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction: colorectal cancer, which originates in the colon or rectum, fortunately takes quite a while before it reaches advanced stages and, in a high percentage of the cases, shows previous benign lesions called adenomas; these ones with evolution cause first, early cancer, then, advanced.Objective: to characterize patients with colon neoplasia.
Method: a descriptive and prospective study of 101 patients with colon neoplasia seen at the Coloproctology Service of “Vladimir Ilich Lenin” General Hospital in Holguin, Cuba, carried out between January 2015 and December 2017.
Results: the majority of the patients were registered between 50 and 69 years old, (54.45%). Female sex predominated (56.43%) and low digestive hemorrhage was the most frequent reason for consultation (87.12%). The predominant location was the left colon; the adenocarcinoma (83.17%) was the most common histological type. 78.22% of the patients received chemotherapy after surgery.
Findings: this entity's frequency implies that prevention should start in primary health care, with intersectoral and multidisciplinary participation, to increase knowledge in the population about this disease as well as its behaviour in the province.
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