2018, Number 28
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (28)
Educational environment during hospital practices. The case of Dentistry
Castro-Rodríguez Y, Yoplac-Lopez B, Huamán-Aguilar L, Lugo-Huertas W
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 19-26
PDF size: 453.67 Kb.
Introduction: The importance of knowing the strengths
and weaknesses of an educational environment will guide
and improve academic policies that have a positive impact
on the profile of students.
Objective: The present study had the objective to evaluate
the perception of dentistry interns about the educational
environment within the rotations in the hospitals
of Lima.
Method: 42 interns were surveyed through the “Postgraduate
Hospital Educational Environment Measure”
questionnaire. The questionnaire included the perception
of three dimensions: Role of Autonomy, Teaching and
Social Support. Students who completed the last year of
the undergraduate course and who did their internships
in the national and military hospitals of the city of Lima
during 2017 were included.
Results: The perception of the global educational environment
reached a score of 120 ± 12.64 (more positive
than negative), the dimension Role of Autonomy a score
of 41.9 ± 3.66 (More positive of the work of each one), the
Teaching dimension a score of 47.76 ± 6.61 (Teachers
models) and the Social Support dimension a value of
30.33 ± 4.05 (More pros than cons).
Conclusions: The educational environment within the
hospitals of Lima was perceived as more positive than
negative, with spaces for improvement by dentistry interns.
A better perception of the mastery of teaching regards
teachers as models for clinical practice
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