2018, Number 28
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (28)
Knowledge in students of medicine on the prevention of health care infections
Hinostroza C, Wong M, Martínez O, Ticse R
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 10-18
PDF size: 619.17 Kb.
Introduction: Knowledge about prevention and control
of the Health Care-associated infections (HCAIs) is a
decisive factor for medical students, being these the most
vulnerable to acquire or be a source of these infections;
however, insufficient knowledge about these measures
or non-correlation with practice is evidenced.
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of the medical students
that initiates and finishes their last year in relation to
the prevention and control of the health care-associated
Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive study, included
216 students of the last year of Alberto Hurtado School
of Medicine in the period 2016-2017 a validated online
questionnaire was applied through a pilot test.
Results: Of a sample of 216 participants, 84.72% knew
the basic measure for respiratory hygiene, only 15.28%
knew the minimum time necessary for hand washing. On
the other hand, 48.15% washed their hands before and
after contact with the patient. The 68.98% were aware that
they can reuse the N95 mask if it is stored in a sealed
plastic bag; also most of them recognized personal items
as fomites. In addition, greater knowledge was evidenced
in those who just finished the internship in the subjects of
respiratory hygiene and use of the mask N95.
Conclusions: Knowledge about the prevention and control
of the HCAIs in the students of the last year of human
medicine is not according to the recommended.
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