2019, Number 3
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2019; 10 (3)
Main applications of clinical photography in dentistry
Soto SA, González PJC, Cedeño DLY, Sánchez BV, Rivera MG
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 102-107
PDF size: 195.05 Kb.
The clinical photography within the dental practice must be recognized as a valuable complementary registry of the clinical file, since at the time of obtaining it this will provide us important data of the current oral state of the patient; it is an auxiliary method for the oral diagnosis, due to its ability to allow a thorough analysis of what we observe clinically. Through photography, information and evidence can be transmitted to the health professional, to patients, colleagues or for the general public in order to publicize our services. The use of photography in dental practice allows patients to be involved from the beginning to the end of the treatment, which contributes to the success or failure of communication with patients. Although the main purpose of using digital photography in dentistry is to record various aspects of the clinical information of the oral cavity, clinical photography has different applications in dentistry. Each of these uses should seek to improve the quality of dental practice as well as patient care. The objective of this article is to share the main applications of clinical photography in dentistry, to recognize the advantages and benefits that they provide to the health professional and to emphasize the importance of having the clinical file updated and complete through photography.
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