2015, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2015; 5 (1)
Relationship between breast-feeding and the presence of harmful habits in Veneuelan children
Lozada DBD, Hernández MN, Guerra GME
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 22-32
PDF size: 652.18 Kb.
Objetive: To establish the relationship between
breast-feeding and the presence of harmful habits
in children between 3 and 6 years.
and methods: A cross-sectional study and
observational, with a sample of 37 children who
attended the consultation of healthy child in the
Outpatient Clinic Teaching Hospital of the University
of Caracas during the month of August
2013. Upon approval and signing of the informed
consent is interviewed the mothers to determine
their level of education, the duration of
the suckling period and vicious habits presence
as oral suction of finger or object, allergies, and
problems in otolaryngology, a clinical examination
to the oral analysis of habits of atypical deglutition
and mouth breathing.
Results: It was
observed that patients who were breastfed for
a period greater than 6 months were less allergic
diseases and Otorrrinolaringologia, as well
as less of a presence of vicious oral habits such
as: use of a pacifier, bottle, atypical deglutition
and mouth breathing.
Conclusion: We observed
in the children studied the importance of
breastfeeding in the first few months of life to
achieve a proper maturation in the functions of
the mouthparts, without the presence of oral vicious
habits, as well as a growth and optimum
development of their facial skull structure.
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