2020, Number 2
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2020; 67 (2)
Use of critical values as a fundamental tool in the safety of the patient by the laboratory
Criado GL, Villanueva CS, Olmos SIC, Paniagua AE, García GC, Reig MJ, San Miguel HÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 69-75
PDF size: 235.33 Kb.
Introduction: Patient safety is of vital importance in the health sector, which includes the clinical laboratory. Notice of critical values is part of the post analytical process and it appears within the strategic objectives of the Patient Safety Plans in all the Autonomous Communities. The aim of our study was to perform an update to our existing protocol by consensus with the clinicians. In addition promoting a culture of patient safety in the organization.
Material and methods: For this, we carry out surveys for email to primary and specialized care clinicians with differents analytes and values, and how and who warn whenever there are.
Results: 57 responses were obtained in surveys, in general of the all especialities. We know how many people I get, but we consider low number of answers, that translates into lack of involvement in safety culture.
Conclusions: Updated the protocol with the new values, including changes in the levels of hyponatremia and hypocalcemia, creatinine, and creatininquinasa. The implementation of the new protocol will result improvements in the patient safety in the clinical laboratory.
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