2020, Number 2
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Sal Jal 2020; 7 (2)
Hábitos alimentarios y estilo de vida de riesgo para diabetes mellitus gestacional en pacientes con sobrepeso u obesidad
Zavalza-Gómez AB, Plazola-Stephens CC, Salcedo-Rocha AL, García de Alba-García JE
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 80-95
PDF size: 579.01 Kb.
Obesity in pregnancy and associated glucose
disorders represent a serious public health problem.
Objective: We analyze the eating habits and lifestyle
of risk for gestational diabetes mellitus in 200 patients
who are overweight or obese.
Methods: By direct
interrogation we investigate clinical history, eating
habits, anthropometry and physical activity.
Average age 29±6 years, 31±7 gestation weeks, BMI
33±7 kg/m2. Of the total 8% eat 4-5 times / day; 63%
consume 2-5 snacks / day, 38% eat 3 or more times a
week fast food; the consumption of dairy products,
red meat, fried foods and soft drinks prevails in 88%,
86%, 80% and 77% respectively; 67% drink fruit
water, 31% regular or diet soda. 31% refer to physical
activity prior to pregnancy and three or more times/
week during pregnancy; 72% sleep 6-8 hours a day,
50% watch television to rest 1-3 hours (80%). IMEVID
questionnaire 67±12 points (66, 40-100) with 42%
correct path and 3% excellent lifestyle; 8% eat ≥3 pieces
of bread/day, ≥7 tortillas 16%, 15% add sugar, salt 12%
to food, eat between meals 10%, away from home 13%
and serve more food 7% of women. Also, almost always
or sometimes he gets angry easily (79%); He feels sad
(62%) and they have pessimistic thoughts about the
future (44%).
Conclusions: Both the eating habits and
lifestyle of pregnant women are inadequate and high
risk of diabetes, so it is suggested to promote healthy
lifestyles and eating habits.
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