2019, Number 6
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (6)
Advances in the application of sciences and technology in Cuban Ophthalmology and its current challenges
O'Relly ND, Miña OL, Pérez DZ, García HC, Honan GA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 132.09 Kb.
Through the times, Cuba has showed the greatness of its scientists and their advances
and achievements. So early as from the beginning of 1830 there were commentaries
on the advances in Cuban Ophthalmology and from those times Cuban scientists put
the philosophic thought in function of the scientific research to accede to latest
technology in the specialty. At the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, the development
of Ophthalmology was almost inexistent, but in the current century the
ophthalmological services of the country have the essential to affront the constant
challenge of new technologies. The results of Mision Milagro, (Miracle Mission, the
program organized by Cuban Government to heal ophthalmologic diseases in other
countries like Venezuela, Ecuador and others) allow us to affirm that techno-sciences
reduce the costs of the patients’ treatment and care regardless of their economic
status. Cuba has showed that not only the monetary capital is important for the social
development: human capital raises society to new dimensions. That is the political
impact on the population benefited by the revolutionary advances in Cuban
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