2020, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (5)
Prevalence of inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals in the Mexican population correcting by nutrient retention factors, Ensanut 2016
Ramírez-Silva I, Rodríguez-Ramírez S, Barragán-Vázquez S, Castellanos-Gutiérrez A, Reyes-García A, Martínez-Piña A, Pedroza-Tobías A
Language: English
References: 37
Page: 521-531
PDF size: 465.78 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the usual intake and the prevalence
of inadequacy of selected nutrients in the Mexican population
and the potential effect that the nutrient retention factors
(NRF) could have on these estimates. Likewise, document
the methodology used in the analysis of the 24 hours of the
mid-way National Health and Nutrition Survey 2016 (Ensanut
MC 2016).
Materials and methods. Dietary information
from the Ensanut MC 2016 was analyzed with and without
the use of NRFs.
Results. Most nutrients evaluated showed
a relevant inadequacy prevalence above 10% in all age groups.
Likewise, we documented that, when NRFs were not applied,
estimated intakes and prevalence were significantly underestimated
in a range of 2% to 55.5%.
Conclusions. We
documented the relevance of the application of NRFs for
adequate estimation of the prevalence of inadequate intake
of selected nutrients in population studies.
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