2020, Number 18
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CuidArte 2020; 9 (18)
Community peer trainings to provide selfmanagement support in type 2 diabetes
Chan SJM, Yam SAV, Gómez AP, Aké CDF
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 30-45
PDF size: 223.36 Kb.
Introduction. In Yucatán since 2017, type 2 diabetes (T2D) has been the leading cause of hospital mortality,
with 269 cases. Because this condition is a public health problem, we propose the following educational strategy
for diabetes and social support with the goal of improving the quality of care and self-management.
Goal. To
evaluate the effect of an empowerment-based educational training of community peers (CPs) to specialize in selfmanagement
of T2D.
Methodology. Quasi-experimental prospective study without a control group. 19 sessions of
2 hours each, based on Tang and Funell’s curriculum and Kolb’s theory of experimental learning. The following
were measured before and after the intervention: a) knowledge relating to diabetes; b) facilitation skills based
on empowerment; c) active listening skills; and d) self-efficacy.
Results. 8 female subjects, average age 49. 50%
were not in control of their diabetes. Averages before and after the intervention: knowledge (13.75 and 19.62),
facilitation skills based on empowerment (3.12 and 13.75), active listening skills (27 and 35.75), and perceived
self-efficacy (94.25% after the intervention).
Discussion and conclusions. The CP with basic knowledge of the
illness will understand and analyze practical aspects of care rather than pathophysiology, which will facilitate
treatment. Sharing experiences through pair conversations furthered the exchange of knowledge, as this method
is vital in an educational intervention based on experiences. CPs developed competencies in formulating open
questions, thinking critically, using the five-step goal-setting model to design a plan of action, and confronting
emotions. A curriculum centered on empowerment is an effective tool for training CPs in the studied population.
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