2020, Number 277
Approach to the scientific production on surgery published in the Cuban Scientific Student Journals, 2014-2018
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 347.43 Kb.
Introduction: the analysis of the scientific production on a thematic area, allows to determine important elements for decision making, as well as to improve the contributions made to science. Objective: to characterize the scientific productivity of the surgery area published in Cuban Student Scientific Journals in the period 2014-2018. Method: a bibliometric study of the student’s scientific production on surgery published in the Cuban Student Scientific Journals was carried out. The sample was made up of 22 articles. Absolute and relative percentage frequency, the Price index and the number of corrected citations were used. Results: 50 % of the articles were published in Universidad Médica Pinareña, the highest production was in 2018 (31,82 %). There was a predominance of articles with 4 authors (68,18 %). The predominant branch of surgery was general surgery (36,36 %). An average of 14,77 references per article was found. The Price index in the articles ranged between 0,45 and 0,76. 50 % of the production comes from Pinar del Río. Only 3 articles received citations predominating Case Presentations. Conclusions: the scientific productivity as well as the citations index was low. General surgery contributed the largest number of articles. A multiple authorship prevalence was found, where Universidad Médica Pinareña published the greatest number of articles.REFERENCES
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