2020, Number 277
Assessment of the level of knowledge about COVID-19 during active research
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 291.35 Kb.
Introduction: COVID-19 is caused by the new coronavirus that was discovered in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China at the end of 2019. Objective: to assess the level of knowledge about COVID-19 during active population research. Material and Method: a non-observational, quasi-experimental, before-after study was performed without a control group, on the level of knowledge about COVID-19, in the population belonging to office 5 of the Polyclinic José Martí from the Gibara Municipality, Holguín, Cuba. The universe consisted of 1,333 and the sample was 415 patients. The variables under study were a source of information for the acquisition of knowledge, general information on COVID-19, clinical symptoms of COVID-19, differences with other common respiratory conditions and measures for the prevention of COVID-19. Statistics descriptive was used and for the comparative analysis that contemplates the study was applied the McNemar chi-square test. Results: of the sources of information the research was the most reported by 143 patients. After the application of the intervention, on the general information of COVID-19, the people with the adequate knowledge were 95.4%. Information on clinical symptoms and differences between COVID-19 and other respiratory conditions were adequate in 80% and 93.7% of patients, respectively. Preventive measures were adequate in the 415 patients. Conclusions: the educational strategy was effective because it became a high level of knowledge in the majority of the population.REFERENCES
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