2020, Number 4
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Salud Mental 2020; 43 (4)
Relationship between executive functions and impulsive behavior in adolescents: Comparative study
Quintero RL, Galindo AG, Bonilla J, Rabago BBV
Language: English
References: 25
Page: 175-180
PDF size: 326.93 Kb.
Introduction: Impulsivity can be directly related to maladaptive and disruptive behaviors; specifically, during
adolescence, impulsivity is associated with behavioral and social problems, and it has been found that some
behavioral difficulties are related to neuropsychological dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible
for regulating impulse control and executive functions.
Objective. To compare the relationships among
executive functions, particularly inhibitory control, behavioral planning and behavioral flexibility, in adolescents
between 13 and 15 years old with and without impulsivity.
Method. This study was developed using an analytical,
comparative design. The sample consisted of 62 participants whose impulsivity was measured using
the BIS-11-A Impulsiveness Scale and whose data were compared with normative data from the same sample
size. Executive functions were evaluated using the Tower of London test, Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting
Test (M-WCST), Trail Making Test (TMT) and Stroop test.
Results. Young people between 13 and 15 years
old who exhibited impulsive behavior showed impairment in the executive functions studied, such as inhibitory
control, cognitive flexibility, and behavioral planning.
Discussion and conclusion. There is a direct correlation
between impulsive behaviors and executive functions during adolescence. The results found here support
the development of potential intervention protocols based on executive functioning.
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