2019, Number 30
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (30)
Stress management; result of two interventions: cognitive behavioral and yoga workshops to help irregular medical students
Ortiz LS, Sandoval BE, Adame RS, Ramírez ACE, Jaimes MAL, Ruiz RA
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 9-17
PDF size: 467.63 Kb.
Introduction: Stress caused on medical students by the
intense work they are exposed to during their studies, has
a negative influence in some students which results in poor
academic performance, anxiety and depressive symptoms.
Psychological and yoga interventions have proved
to be useful for reducing psychopathological symptoms,
and in the development of physical and mental abilities.
Objective: To evaluate if psychological interventions based
on a Cognitive Behavioral Workshop (CBW) and a Yoga
Workshop (YW) diminish depressive, anxiety symptoms
and stress in students of the Medicine Faculty at the National
Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Method: We conducted a randomized controlled clinical
trial at the UNAM Medicine Faculty. Sampling type was
done in accordance with the students who were retaking
at least one of the first or second year curricular subjects.
Beck’s inventories for anxiety (BAI) and depression (BDI)
and the Novack profile were applied to select those individuals
with a mild severity level. Selection of the students
was randomized for each one of the interventions.
Results: In both interventions there was a reduction
of depressive and anxious symptoms (p‹0.005). The
Cognitive-behavioral workshop group also presented a
reduction in the stress manifestations profile, suggesting
that they achieved effective stress coping strategies, and
managed to visualize stressors as challenges or problems
to solve, confront and to focus on the positive aspects
of themselves. In the yoga workshop group, there were
statistically significant changes in the frequency of adequate
rest, sleep, and relaxation.
Conclusions: It’s important to provide stress management
strategies to medical students, in order to promote
not only an overall wellness, and as health professionals
in promoting healthy lifestyles.
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