2020, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2020; 21 (1)
Educational and formative multimedia to facilitate learning and self-management in the prevention of occupational risks at the Institute of Animal Science of Cuba
García GOA, Ávila RI, Roque DEA, Ayala GIY, Hernández GEC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 22-27
PDF size: 381.15 Kb.
Man throughout his life has the ability to learn, so that education is not just a matter of children, adolescents and young people, assuming this statement as a principle is of great importance for the workers training. In this population group, the subject must be the protagonist of their self-directed learning as a guarantee to facilitate the development of their labor competencies, their self-care and care for third parties. This article presents a training multimedia, with ad hoc design, which aims to ensure that the worker, from the Institute of Animal Science of Cuba, appropriates the essential information to assume safe habits and behaviors in their work environment that prevent accidents and occupational diseases. In its prepa-ration, the Matchware Mediator 8.0 program was used and the Photoshop CS6 program as a support tool. The multimedia is based on current labor legislation and the working conditions and environment of the institution; It is organized in ten modules, one introductory and nine of a technical-specialized nature, which include various informative components; allows the interaction of the subject with the set of teaching materials it contains. Its use is intended to guarantee in the self-regulating subject the teaching-learning process in occupational safety and health, and to the institution to conduct the job training with the benefits of computer means.
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