2020, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2020; 21 (1)
Tridimensional risk matrix applied to Biosafety assessment in hemodialysis practices
Sierra GK, Torres VA
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 13-21
PDF size: 728.89 Kb.
Hemodialysis processes are a survival alternative for patients with chronic renal failure; however, due to their invasive procedure they are one of the medical practices with the greatest risks for them. The practice is also risky for occupationally exposed workers, given the biological dangers of fluid handling and the existence of pathogens, with which they are involved. The “three-dimensional risk matrix” method is commonly used as a tool to establish priorities in the risk management of many medical practices with ionizing radiation, based on the combined analysis of the potential risk scenarios in the practice. The objective of this study is to evaluate, using this method in a novel way, the biological risk in a hemodialysis room. For this, the SE-CURE-MR-FMEA code was applied, which computerizes the risk matrix method. It was detected that the risk in this process is very high due, essentially, to the non-existence of premises for the storage of hazardous biological wastes. Other important contributors are the inadequate use of individual protection devices and the accomplish-ment of good practices and procedures.
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