2020, Number 2
Unusual presentation of curriculatum epitelioma in a 12 years old schoolchild
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 342.61 Kb.
Introduction: Verrucous carcinoma is a well differentiated unusual variant of squamous cell carcinoma that tends to occur in middle-aged or older adults. It is considered a low-grade malignant tumour with four main subtypes.Objective: To explain the uncommon presentation of the verrucous carcinoma in a teenager and the importance of early recognition to guide an accurate diagnosis and a timely treatment.
Case presentation: 12 years old, school age male, mixed race who attends to specialized consultation of Dermatology in "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Surgical Clinical Hospital presenting a vegetating lesion located in the right foot´s sole; there were made complementary blood tests, an excisional biopsy plus graft and the case was finally diagnoses as curriculatum epithelioma.
Conclusions: At the clinical level, the verrucous carcinomas are presented in the form of exophytic tumors with a papillomatous or verrucous surface. They are often associated with the human papilloma virus infection, and it may be difficult to distinguish between a verrucous carcinoma and a wart.
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