2016, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2016; 7 (2)
Subjective well-being and feeding patterns in Chilean adults: A qualitative study
Denegri CMC, Castaño CAL, Schnettler MBL, Vivallo UOG
Language: Spanish
References: 63
Page: 105-115
PDF size: 631.65 Kb.
This article reviews the relationship between the experience of subjective wellbeing
and the processes of selection, purchase, preparation and consumption of food in adults
in the southern part of Chile. Based on qualitative methodology and conceived as an exploratory
design this research aims how feeding impacts on the vital satisfaction of people as well
as in their dissatisfaction and discontent experiences. A group of 60 men and women between
18-76 years participated in focus group sessions and in-depth interviews; their speech was studied
by content analysis. The results redefine feeding practices in terms of socio-affective and
socio-cultural influence in the experience of subjective well-being regarding food purchasing
behavior and feeding patterns. We conclude that feeding practices are not only associated to
sensory pleasures but also to family and social life as well as to health care. Thus, this study
establishes an analytical interface in the dialogue regarding the experience of subjective wellbeing
from the positive psychology and those related to feeding behavior from the psychology
of consumption.
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