2019, Number 4
Adaptation to the Ecuadorian context of the patient´s life quality and satisfaction scale
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 411.74 Kb.
Introduction: The achievement of essential public health functions requires the development of health actions according to the characteristics of the sociocultural context where they are implemented. The life quality and patient satisfaction´s dimensions attain a special importance in reducing the public and family burden due to chronic conditions.Objective: To validate the adaptation of the life quality and patient satisfaction´s scale to the context of Chambo-Riobamba Health District belonging to Chimborazo province, Ecuador.
Methods: Literature review, brainstorming technique and the Delphi method modified by Campistrous y Rizo.
Conclusions: The life quality and patient satisfaction´s scale presented after the process of validation for its adaptation to the Ecuadorian context of study, constitutes an objective assessment tool that explores the individual perception of the patient in relation to his/her health state. The analysis of the results obtained from its application provides information for the design and implementation of individualized interventions.
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