2019, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2019; 45 (4)
Aspects perceived by first-time mothers as flattering in the adoption of his new role
Vargas-Porras C, Hernández-Molina LM, de Molina-Fernández MI
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 605.66 Kb.
Introduction: First-time mothers face major changes in their new role and it is necessary to know the aspects that favor it to design support interventions.
Objective: To explore the aspects perceived by first-time mothers as supportive in the adoption of their new role.
Methods: Qualitative study with analysis of content according to Bardin in the Children-Mother Clinic, Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2018. A progressive incorporation was implemented according to advisability and adequacy critoyota gt one 1998teria; and principle of theoretical saturation with 10 first-time mothers. Content analysis was carried out to the 94 papers prepared by first-time mothers who gave answer to the question: What aspects do you considered to have helped you in your process as a new mother? These stages were followed: pre-analysis, better use of material; and results, inference and interpretation treatment.
Results: The aspects that favor the new role of first-time mothers are defined in three major subjects with their corresponding categories: First subject: learning to be a mom (search for information, time to be with the baby, plan your day, tips, maternal intuition); Second subject: perceived and received support (partner support, family support, friends support and person who helps to take care of the baby); Third subject: counselling by health professionals (psychoprophylactic course, consultation after childbirth, breastfeeding counselling, advisory by a professional).
Conclusions: First-time mothers learn to cope with the tasks of motherhood and the main aspects that favor them in their new role with social support and professional advice.
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